Crowdfunding for Beginners

Image courtesy of Anusorn P nachol /

Image courtesy of Anusorn P nachol /

Crowdfunding seems to be everywhere these days.  High school students are using crowdfunding to pay their way to college. Charities are using crowdfunding to raise money for their causes. Entrepreneurs want to use crowdfunding to raise money for their startups. Although the term “crowdfunding” is frequently used, it is rarely defined.  To add some clarity to all of the buzz, here is a quick tour of the world of crowdfunding.

Generally speaking, crowdfunding refers to a method of financing a project, charitable cause or company by obtaining small amounts of capital from a large number of individuals, usually via the Continue reading

What’s a Super Angel? A Guide to Startup Jargon

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

Angel investor. Crowdfunding. Incubator. Anyone new to the startup world quickly encounters a dizzying array of jargon. To bring your vocabulary up to speed as quickly as your company, here is a quick guide to some common startup terms:

Accelerator – A program, normally lasting a few months, designed to help startups grow rapidly. Accelerators usually require startups to apply for acceptance into a “class,” which consists of a group of startups who will proceed through the program together, Continue reading